So in the present world of Irish Whiskey, announcements for new distilleries seem to be outnumbering the announcements of “new” whiskey brands on the market.
So it was interesting to hear of a new brand entering the Irish market that bares a not so new name attached to it. Last night (January 6th), in the James Joyce House, at the anniversary dinner of the book “The Dead”, an announcement was made informing the Joycean revelers of a new ultra premium whiskey about to enter the market.
The whiskey bares the name of Joyce and will celebrate “15 years since the saving of number 15 usher’s island” (the address of the James Joyce House) with 15 casks of “old”, what I can only assume is Cooley, whiskey. Very poetic indeed.
The whiskey will apparently be presented in a “satin lined wooden box” that, if the graphics are anything to go by, will be shaped like a coffin. How appropriate.
Very little information is on the open market about the contents of the bottle but if it is truly the old aged stock of Irish whiskey that it claims to be it could be a very tasty dram indeed.
Although, with a reported price tag of €250, this James Joyce Whiskey is certainly placing itself towards the top of the retail market. In-fact it almost goes toe to toe with Midleton’s Dair Ghaelach. So it will be interesting to see if it is all talk or can actually play with the big boys.
It’s always great to see new brands entering the Irish Whiskey market. Hopefully this will walk the walk and not just be another gimmick. With such a premium price tag I am indeed hoping to find super premium nectar at the bottom of the bottle.
I will follow up with more info on the product when it becomes available! Might even post a review if I’m lucky enough to come across a drop… or win the lotto. Which ever occurs first.
Finally, its not usual my family get involved in my world of whiskey but a seriously Big thanks to my father for being a big enough Joyce nerd to attend The Dead anniversary dinner and get me the info on the new bottle on the block. I told him I’d raise a glass of the Joycean stuff for him…. if he’s buying! Otherwise I’ll just say sláinte.